Sedu Flat Iron Popular Hairstyles
written by Paton Jackson
Sedu flat iron is the most popular hair care tool among young women in NorthAmerica. But do they use it properly? Do they design their dream likehairstyle? Do they reveal the wonders of sedu hairstyles? Let us reveal someof them to you.
1. Sleek flip - This hairstyle can suite any young energetic women as wellas serious business women. Using the sedu flat iron you can achieve a sleekflip hairstyle easily leaving your hair smooth and straight with a flip atthe ends, adding a young look to your hair.
To design this hair style follow these steps : First, use a styling moussefrom the hair roots to its ends. Than, brush your hair while blow dryingyour hair. Finally, comb your hair away from the face and use a sedu flatiron to get the flip at the ends.
2. Casual chic - This quickie hairstyle, allows you to show off your face.This clean beautiful hairstyle can be very impressive if designed properlywith the sedu flat iron.
To design this hair style follow these steps : After you clean and wet yourhair, put some styling gel from the hair roots to its ends. Then, Blow dryyour hair until it is completely dry. Then, straighten your hair using seduflat iron parting it down its center. Finally, use a brush to create a ponytail and design the hair close to your face with your hands or brush. It isrecommended to use some spray to keep the hair in its formation.
3. Messy Twist - This hairstyle is the most common one among young businesswomen. It is also very easy to design.
To design this hair style follow these steps : After you clean and wet yourhair, put a small portion of styling mousse on it. Then use the sedu flatiron to straighten your hair (after drying it completely of course). Then,pull the side section of your hair nearest to face toward the mirror. Make atwist of the back section of your hair and secure it with pins. Then, pullthe side sections of your shoulders and create a mini twist. Attach it tothe back twist and then secure it with pins. Use a comb to tug out threehair sections near the top sides of the hair.
Use theses guide lines to make the most of your sedu flat iron. Remember,these little things make the difference.
911 Corp. executed an independent research to find the best hairstraightenng methods. The results were clear. Sedu flat iron is the mostefficient hair iron. Find out more on sedu flat iron. All about hair on stophair loss and hair loss treatments.
Sedu Flat Iron Popular Hairstyles
posted by Mark Alexander and Anitta Vialli @ time 8:55 AM posted by Mark Alexander and Anitta Vialli @ 8:55 AM
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